Welcome to the AP Wealth Management Blog

Below, you’ll find original articles written by our team of advisors on a variety of topics related to wealth management, financial planning, investing, and market activity.

AP Wealth Team Photo
AP Wealth News

Quarterly Newsletter – Looking Ahead and Keeping a Long-Term Perspective

As we look ahead to the 4th quarter, we confront many of the same market issues that have been relevant all year, namely the war ...
Financial Planner
Investment Management

Market Update – September 2022

    As the third quarter comes to a close, the market is hovering at its lows for 2022. If you are following the news, ...

Where do we get our information? 

In times like these, how do we keep informed with the intel needed to stay disciplined? No one is immune to stress when it comes ...
Investment Management

High Inflation Equals High I-Bond Interest Rates

We have had several people ask us about I Bonds recently, so we thought we would share our current perspective. According to Barron’s, “One of ...
Tax & Estate Planning

Finance & Real Life – Passing Down Real Estate to Your Heirs

There are many ways to leave a legacy. While we believe that ultimately wealth is more than simply what you see on a net-worth statement, ...

10 Things to Consider When Planning to Transition into Retirement

